Maintained by:
Christian Raffensperger (
and David J. Birnbaum (
Last modified:
The research, writing, and methodology behind the genealogical information on this site is the work of
Christian Raffensperger (, and
a hard copy version of this information is undergoing
review for publiction. Chris has been assisted in a variety of ways, specifically data entry and data collection,
by faculty aides (paid for through the faculty aide program at Wittenberg University and supported by the Russian
and Central Eurasian Studies Program), including Adam Matthews, Kelsey Mazur and Jaymi Green, whose help has been
invaluable. The translation of this work to an interactive Internet-based workstation environment was initially
designed, developed, and implemented by David J. Birnbaum (,, and
subsequently improved and expanded in collaboration with Jacob Deitloff, who also designed and implemented the
family-tree visualization system. A more substantial discussion of the methodology and technology behind this site
has been published as Christian Raffensperger and David J. Birnbaum, Mapping history: using technology to showcase
medieval familial interconnectivity
. Festschrift in Honor of Orysia Karapinka in Russian History/Histoire Russe
37:4 (2010), 305–21.